We put our hearts
into bringing tradition to the table

to Agriturismo
La Pila

Agriturismo La Pila stands in the area of the same name, Cal della Pila. Surrounded by the hills of Cison di Valmarino and set among gentle slopes and terraced vineyards, our farmhouse restaurant perfectly merges a family atmosphere with excellent home cooking, revisited by our chef.

Fiori di zucca con crema di zucchine

You will be received

with the smile of people who love their work, and the warmth of a family environment.

You will be surprised

with the smile of people who love their work, and the warmth of a family environment.

You will experience

a taste for tradition together with a touch of innovation.

Our Farm

Our Animals

Our farm hosts cows, pigs and farmyard animals such as rabbits, chickens, geese and ducks. Their wellbeing is our first concern, so they live in the open air and are lovingly bred.

Our Vegetable Garden

Our menu is based on the season’s produce. The vegetables we serve are what we grow throughout the year, observing times and needs.

Courtyard Fruit

Juicy and natural, the fruit we pick every day provides that extra something for our recipes: cakes and jam are the delicious result of our lifetime love for the land.

NEWS! Soon you will be able to purchase some of our produce currently only available on our farm.

Make yourself at home

A relaxing, hospitable atmosphere will provide the background to your culinary experience. Trust us: read the menu, heed our advice and you will discover the pleasure of selected raw materials and typically traditional cuisine.

Would you like to discover the taste of tradition?


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